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Delivering Solutions at Canada Post!

In today’s competitive world of ecommerce, attracting and retaining customers is essential. One effective method to boost your customer base is through Canada Post's Smartmail Marketing. This powerful marketing tool includes Neighbourhood Mail, Postal Code Targeting, and Personalized Mail. Whether you send a postcard, a mini catalog, a flyer, or an envelope, Smartmail Marketing can help you gain and retain more ecommerce customers.

Neighbourhood mail – Broad reach at a affordable cost.

Neighbourhood mail is sending to many at a more reduced cost.  A typical delivery route or walk can include around 500 houses, apartments and or businesses.  You choose the coverage you want while leveraging demographics like age, income, etc. to define your target audience.  Neighbourhood mail does not have an address on your marketing piece, making it an ideal choice for attracting new customers. 

Postal code targeting – Targeted and effective.

Postal code targeting is perfect for targeting the neighbours of your existing customers. Canada Post analyzes your current customer data to identify similar potential customers. Your marketing pieces include only the address, allowing you to reach new homes while avoiding marketing to your current customers. Postal code targeting lets you target homes that are most likely to convert into new clients.

Personalized mail – Direct and customized.

Personalized Mail includes the full name and address of your customers or prospects. You can either use your existing customer list or rent a list to target new customers. This direct approach helps build a personal connection with your audience, making it more effective for both retaining existing customers and acquiring new ones.

Reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss your Smartmail Marketing strategy.  For more in-depth information, please visit our Canada Post blog  Grow your business with direct mail | Business Matters | Canada Post (

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Looking forward to hearing from you!

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