If you have a large volume of letters to send, you might be wondering if you need to put a stamp on each one. There are alternatives that can save you time and money. With a Canada Post customer number and a printer, you can take advantage of Canada Post's indicia.
The indicia is a printed stamp that you can create and print directly on your envelopes. To design your own unique indicia, which can include pictures and have straight or perforated edges, by visiting www.canadapost.ca/indicia. The same indicia can be used for both standard and larger envelopes.
Then to pay for your lettermail, create a Statement of Mail (SOM). Creating the SOM is entering information of where you will be dropping off your mail, along with details about the size, weight, and quantity of your items. You can use the SOM for mailing as few as one letter or more. You can use the same process for USA and international mail. When sending letterpost to the USA or other countries, the indicia process remains the same with a second unique indicia.
When you have higher mailing volumes, Canada Post offers even more savings. If your envelope meets machinable standards, which you can verify at www.canadapost.ca/mmadvisor, you can qualify for Incentive Lettermail or Letterpost rates. These discounted rates can significantly reduce your mailing costs.
By leveraging your indicia, you can streamline your mailing process and save on postage. Reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss your Lettermail strategy. For more in-depth information, please visit our Canada Post Lettermail mail page.
Feel free to drop me a message here on LinkedIn or email me at erin.gaffey@canadapost.ca.
Looking forward to hearing from you!